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Saturday, June 19, 2010

I am so proud, I just used the treadmill

Treadmill's are the greatest invention.  I know I just lost 5lbs, I can feel it..
I kept saying the treadmill was the greatest invention out there.  It is so versatile, and has so many uses..
Hopefully this will be dry tomorrow, so I can begin using it.  Finally fabric to make some of my designs with.  Of course I ran out of fabric for the other design I was working on.  I will come up with something else, so I am not worried.. just aggravated.  My daughter asked how can you not have enough fabric??  Definitely not a quilter, but she definitely has potential with the right training.  I was so proud of her in the store today.  She helped me pick out fabric, and chose colors.  I set up tests for her, she told me why a piece of fabric wouldn't work, and what colors do we need in the quilt after choosing the focus fabric.  We even had a quick lesson in value.. then I was pushing my luck, after I told her that the dark now becomes the light, laugh.  We had fun.  I wanted to design a project for me, haven't done that in a long time, and can't tell you the last time I bought fabric just for personal use.  I can hear her now, well I helped design the quilt so I should be able to keep it, uh, let me think about that one..........NO WAY, THIS ONE IS MINE!!  I can't get her to sew or cut, so this one is mine..  Yeah, ask me that in a few months, laugh.  She is more into clothing design.. typical teenage girl.
Have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

B J Elder said...

You are so funny - treadmills are very handy, aren't they? Your fabrics are beautiful. They will make a very vibrant quilt! Sounds like you and your daughter had great fun at the quilt shop.