Business Card

Business Card

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

One of my favorites that I gifted.

Enough of going down memory lane, time to organize what I made for 2010.  I made so many, I forgot what I made.  Have you ever done that?
Blogging helps keep track of what is made and when since I post the same day I made the item usually.  I am horrible about keeping track, and I need to get better at keeping up with it.  Time to stop making new things, and go through what I already made.  I have tons of quilt tops that need finishing first.  I hope I get batting for Christmas.. really off schedule.  I am thinking I really need to make a Quilt Journal or Portfolio to document things better.. not to mention labels, I never make, and I really should.  I don't think what I make is important, but 50 years from now, they might want to know..
  How many of you make labels for your projects?

1 comment:

Sandy said...

My Mom believes in making the quilt label and usually stays on my until I do make one for the gifts I give away. She's the real organizer of the family--- and my DD, (I guess organization skipped a generation - me).....have a blessed week